Journey to the Holy Lands of KHemet



We are naturally drawn to the Mystery— that which lies hidden and the mystical essence that beckons our Spirit towards it. This calling to commune with the Great Unknown carries the wisdom of the ages and the sacred teachings of the Cosmos ready to assist us in our journey of remembrance.

Khemet (Egypt) has been magnetizing people towards it, those who are attuned to the call of these Holy Lands which carries and embodies our origin stories from the ancient past. The teachings are embedded in the temples and the messages are carried in the desert sands and in the life-giving waters of the Nile. There are keys to this place that not only open the gates of our memory palaces but also awaken pathways in our consciousness to help us in this present day as we work towards tending and building the world we wish to cultivate.

The ancient Egyptians were adept at understanding and maintaining the interdependent relationships between the human world, the natural world, and the divine world. They were devoted to co-creating heaven on earth and believed that the collaboration of these three worlds was key to this creation. Through the study of the cosmos, they tended to these relations in the temples by way of offerings, hymns, songs, prayers, and rituals. Perhaps these approaches can assist us in these times of Great Transition.

Regardless of what seems to be happening in these times, Khemet is calling us for Initiation. And by nature, as we step forward on the initiatory path, the process of healing, transformation, and renewal occurs.

So we begin here— humbly and respectfully in reverence to the journey ahead. We go to make offerings. We tread lightly in gratitude. We keep our eyes open with ears to deeply listen. We come with a humble heart. And from this place, we open ourselves to the most memorable, transformational, and activational experiences to unfold in our lives.

In Service and Reverence,

Isis, Ericardo, and Mahmoud


TRAVEL Details

From domestic flights, transportation, accommodations, and food - learn more on what is included in the total cost.



Our journeys are curated with the utmost care and reverence for these ancient lands. Learn more about the places and schedules in the tabs in the above menu. There is an itinerary tab for Dec 2023 and for January 2024.


“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”

- Chief Seattle
