Isis Indriya
Isis Indriya is a Visionary, Creative Director, Experience Designer, Community Leader, Ritualist, Culture Maker and Educator. Isis’ multi-faceted work brings wholistic and initiatory practices in dynamic and widely accessible forums.
With 20 years experience in event production ranging from festivals & conferences to farm to table theatrical dinners, from ritual theater to rituals and classes. She co-founded Living Village Culture, a collective of educators and creatives dedicated to bridging art, immersive experience and activism through event production, education, retreats, and ceremonies.
As a carrier of the Oracle Clan Fire and ordained Priestess of the Fellowship of Isis, she teaches various classes in Mystery Studies including the Art of Ritual both in her local community and internationally. She is a facilitator of community rites and retreats and organizes spiritual journeys in Egypt.
Isis has studied extensively in a diverse range of wisdom systems including esoteric mystery studies, the art of ritual and healing arts, transpersonal psychology and Ritual Theater. She furthers her studies with WisdomKeepers focused on Earth Wisdom Traditions and Mystical Arts.
Isis resides in Nevada City and curates a modern day Temple hosting classes, workshops, WisdomKeepers, and community ritual. She regularly produces events and curates immersive environments at festivals like Lightning in a Bottle, Symbiosis, and Meadows in the Mountains in Bulgaria.
When she is not producing or tending to her Temple, she is often teaching and traveling around the world.