
Rico Paganini

Mr. Paganini is a researcher, author, publisher and leading world expert in the study of Egyptian history.  He is also a member of the Association of the International Federation of Journalists and of Reporters without Borders. Since 1987, Mr. Paganini has been involved in the establishment and dissemination of media advocation for vocational choice in German-speaking countries.

Beginning in 1998, Mr. Paganini began assembling expert research teams and has led 21 expeditions to Egypt, focusing on the history of Giza. Additionally, he has led research trips to France, England, Bosnia, Malta, the Azores, the USAHawaii, Mexico, PeruBoliviaEaster IslandFiji, Tahiti, Tonga, the Galapagos Islands, China, and Tibet. 

In 2005, Mr. Paganini co-authored and published “GIZA MAUER” (The Giza Wall), followed by “GIZA VERMÄCHTNIS” in 2008. The English version, “GIZA LEGACY,” was published in 2010 followed by Volume 2, “DEI LEGACY,” in 2011. The final book in the trilogy was published in English 2015 as “GAIA LEGACY”. The trilogy has since been referred to as the “Trilogy of the Living Legacies”

In 2015 Mr. Paganini developed the “7 Steps for the Time of Turning”, which were published in 2017 as the “ELOHIM LEGACY” with the corresponding “MANIFESTO” and the “VISION”.

Looking to broaden the scope and reach of his research findings and their relevance to our world, Mr. Paganini founded the EVOL MOVEMENT in 2018.

More extensive information about these moving publications can be found at the links below, along with videos:


